Criteria for Membership
The membership of the society is open to any person who has attained the age of maturity and fulfils the terms and conditions of the society but subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Spine Society of West Bengal.
The Executive Committee shall have power to refuse any applicant for membership without assigning or being required to assign any reason for such refusal.
Life Member : The member who pays one time subscription as life member of Rs. 2000/-. The membership is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
Associate Member : The member who pays subscription Rs. 1000/- and who will be post graduate trainee in subjects related to spinal surgery like orthopaedics, neurosurgery, physical medicine, etc.
Honorary Member : Any person whose admission, in the opinion of the Managing Committee, is a matter pride to the Association, like a well wisher, person with distinction in this field of medical science, a highly reputed person etc.
(a) To attend the General Body meetings regularly,
(b) To give the necessary information of the society, pertaining to any matter which is necessary to be known by the society,
(c) Not indulge in activities which are prejudicial to the Aims and Objects and/or the Rules & Regulations of the Society.
-- A Member may resign from membership by a letter addressed to the Secretary.
-- Members who habitually neglect their duties may be dropped from membership provided they have been property dealt with by the Pastor without effecting the desired adjustment.
-- To elect and to be elected in any election of the Society. A Member shall have one vote.
-- To submit suggestion for discussion to the Executive committee on any matter.
-- To inspect the Accounts of the society on appointment with the Secretary & Treasurer.
-- To forego his membership after due information in writing of the Secretary.
-- To Pay his/her subscription within the prescribed time.
-- Defaulting members shall not be allowed to take a part or vote at any Meeting.